Tag: WWI


The first German building placed on the UNESCO World Heritage site was the Aachen Cathedral in, of course, the city of Aachen. Aachen is about a 2.5 hour drive from us, so rather than get up at the crack of dawn for a day trip that would involve a 5-hour […]

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Edinburgh, Scotland

I absolutely loved our 4-night stay in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.  We also made a day trip to Glasgow while we there. Although Scotland has a capital, it is not an independent country, even though you may see it referred to as such.  It is part of the United […]

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Bitburg, DE

The last weekend in January we made an unexpected visit to the city of Bitburg. I say unexpected because we originally were supposed to go to Verdun, France for 2 days. I just need to mention that I was not the one who made the arrangements for this trip and […]

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Marksburg Castle

Braubach, DE The weekend after we returned from Florence, we stayed somewhat local and visited Marksburg Castle.  It’s located in the town of Braubach, which is just over an hour away from us. The first glimpse we got of the castle was just as we were approaching the town. We […]

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Journey to the Center of Amiens

Amiens, France is another place I’d wanted to visit for a long time after reading about it a couple of years ago.  It’s about 75 miles away from Paris and was a 5-hour drive for us. We visited there the first weekend in January.  We left Thursday night after work […]

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Champagne on a Beer Budget

Reims, France We spent the long Labor Day weekend in Reims, France.   Reims is one of the centers of the Champagne region. Although the term “champagne” is often used to generically describe sparkling wine, legally only sparkling wine made from grapes from the Champagne region of France can be called […]

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Colmar, France

The weekend of September 27th, we spent 2 nights in Colmar, France.  We had been hearing great things about it for a couple of years and finally decided to go.  It’s just under a 3-hour drive from where we live in Germany. We left home just before noon on Friday […]

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