Gelnhausen, DE

While I was looking for some information about the Brothers Grimm for our visit to Steinau an der Straße, I came across a map that had several towns highlighted.  One of them was Gelnhausen, although I’m not quite sure what the relation is between the town and the Brothers […]

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Edinburgh, Scotland

I absolutely loved our 4-night stay in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.  We also made a day trip to Glasgow while we there. Although Scotland has a capital, it is not an independent country, even though you may see it referred to as such.  It is part of the United […]

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The Real Madrid

Madrid, Spain I had 4 days off for the Presidents’ Day weekend in February and thought it might be nice to take that opportunity to visit Madrid. Sean booked an apartment that was pretty central.  The downside to renting apartments is that you don’t get breakfast or any other meals […]

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Florence, Italy

For some reason, Florence had not been at the top of my list of places to visit in Italy.  It was on the list, but it just wasn’t at the top.  That changed after my friend Vicki picked Dan Brown’s book Inferno for our book club.  Although the book has […]

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Bitburg, DE

The last weekend in January we made an unexpected visit to the city of Bitburg. I say unexpected because we originally were supposed to go to Verdun, France for 2 days. I just need to mention that I was not the one who made the arrangements for this trip and […]

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Marksburg Castle

Braubach, DE The weekend after we returned from Florence, we stayed somewhat local and visited Marksburg Castle.  It’s located in the town of Braubach, which is just over an hour away from us. The first glimpse we got of the castle was just as we were approaching the town. We […]

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Sorry, We’re Closed

Lorsch & Maulbronn UNESCO Sites, DE After we visited Amiens, France a couple of weeks ago and realized that the cathedral there is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, I went on the UNESCO website to see which other sites I had visited.  Turns out I’ve been to about 50 of […]

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Journey to the Center of Amiens

Amiens, France is another place I’d wanted to visit for a long time after reading about it a couple of years ago.  It’s about 75 miles away from Paris and was a 5-hour drive for us. We visited there the first weekend in January.  We left Thursday night after work […]

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Aschaffenburg, DE

Aschaffenburg is a town in the German state of Bavaria that’s about 45 minutes away from where we live in the German state of Hesse. I had wanted to go there for a while, so on the lazy, rainy weekend after Christmas we took a Sunday drive to go check […]

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