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Amalfi Coast

A while back, I had an unexpected opportunity to take a couple of days off before a long holiday weekend. Quickly looking over the long list of places we’d like to go, we settled on Italy and booked a flight to Naples to explore the Amalfi Coast and its surrounding […]

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Something’s Brewing in Lich!

As everyone knows, the town of Lich, Germany is famous for being the home of the Licher Brewery. Yup, those are cases and cases of Licher beer behind the unfortunately locked gate at the brewery. Licher is the best-selling brand of beer in the German state of Hesse. The town […]

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Gouda, Netherlands If you are a cheese lover, you absolutely must visit the city of Gouda in the Netherlands at least once in your life. If you haven’t already guessed, it’s the home of Gouda cheese. In Dutch, Gouda is pronounced something like “How-duh”, hence the exceedingly clever title of […]

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The Candy Bomber, Frankfurt, DE

Continuing the theme I wrote about in the last post (LINK), shortly after our trip to Berlin we took a ride to see the Berlin Airlift Memorial near Frankfurt Airport. After World War II, the Soviets controlled eastern Germany.  Berlin, which is in eastern Germany, was itself divided with the […]

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A Fishy Business: Gernsheim, DE

Gernsheim is a small town on the Rhine river that started out as a small Roman fishing village about two thousand years ago. Sean found out about Gernsheim last February when we were looking for something to do one weekend. He found a bad translation online of a walking tour, […]

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A Diamond in the Rough

After we left Ypres, we headed to the city of Antwerp in Belgium for 2 nights. Although the city is mainly known for its diamond trade, there is a lot more to it than that. Antwerp is a vastly underrated city that you should definitely visit on a trip to […]

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2014 at a Glance

Last blog post of the year!  A look back on our 2014 travels.  Happy New Year to all and here’s to great travels in 2015! 2014 was another fun travel year for us, although I did slow down a little bit in attempting to reach my goal of visiting every […]

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