Tag: Palace

Something’s Brewing in Lich!

As everyone knows, the town of Lich, Germany is famous for being the home of the Licher Brewery. Yup, those are cases and cases of Licher beer behind the unfortunately locked gate at the brewery. Licher is the best-selling brand of beer in the German state of Hesse. The town […]

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It’s Mines, All Mines!

Harz Mountains of Germany Part II In the last blog post, you saw that we visited a few towns in the Harz Mountains region of Germany and that I wrote quite a bit about our stop in Quedlinburg, whose old town is part of a UNESCO site. The town of […]

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Heppenheim, DE

A Hidden Gem Did you know that the Oxo company, of bouillon cube fame, was founded by a man who was an apprentice in Heppenheim, Germany? That of course was not the main reason for our visit to that town.  It was just a fun fact that we learned while […]

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Edinburgh, Scotland

I absolutely loved our 4-night stay in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.  We also made a day trip to Glasgow while we there. Although Scotland has a capital, it is not an independent country, even though you may see it referred to as such.  It is part of the United […]

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The Real Madrid

Madrid, Spain I had 4 days off for the Presidents’ Day weekend in February and thought it might be nice to take that opportunity to visit Madrid. Sean booked an apartment that was pretty central.  The downside to renting apartments is that you don’t get breakfast or any other meals […]

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Aschaffenburg, DE

Aschaffenburg is a town in the German state of Bavaria that’s about 45 minutes away from where we live in the German state of Hesse. I had wanted to go there for a while, so on the lazy, rainy weekend after Christmas we took a Sunday drive to go check […]

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Dresden, DE

The second part of our long weekend to celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary was spent in Dresden. I had previously spent one night in Dresden in 2009 with my friend Morissa before I moved to Germany.  We had been to Oktoberfest in Munich and then spent a few days in […]

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